Saturday, December 9, 2006

December Movie Review

Stranger Fiction with Will Ferrell. This is one of the different movies for him that I have seem, because we are use to the "laugh out loud" "HA HA" funny movie's from this man. When you sit down and watch the movie you think okay great Will Ferrell is trying to do a serious movie but as it turns out he played a good role which I thought was one of his best. The comedy that the movie had was more you have get it humor. I highly recommend watching this movie it has comedy, an actual good and different story.

Nacho Libre with the Hilarious Jack Black. Okay so I thought the Napolean Dynamite Humor was over but it returned and Jack Black made this movie so funny. I would recommend watching this movie atleast 2 or 3 times because you see more the second time around plus the movie will make you laugh every time

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